absorbent lined vials spacer.gif shipping blood specimens medical supply insulated boxes CPI Logo spacer.gif

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Shipping Boxes:
diecut mailers spacer.gif White Mailers
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packaging supplies spacer.gif Packaging Supplies

Specialty Items:
95kPa Specimen Bags spacer.gif 95kPa Specimen Bag
blood shipping kit spacer.gif Biofocus Kit
BD Vacutainer blood collection tube with sodium heparin spacer.gif Blood Collection Tubes
extreme ambient pack spacer.gif Blood Shipper (ambient)
blood specimen shipper spacer.gif Blood Specimen Shipper
breast milk shipping kit spacer.gif Breast Milk Shipping Kit
computer shipping boxes spacer.gif Computer Boxes
CPU boxes spacer.gif CPU Medium Shipper
CPU boxes spacer.gif CPU Tower Shipper
CPU boxes spacer.gif 21.5" iMac Shipper
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printer boxes spacer.gif Printer Shipper
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convoluted egg crate foam sheets spacer.gif Foam Liners
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handgun boxes spacer.gif Foam-Lined
handgun boxes spacer.gif Not Lined
rifle boxes spacer.gif Rifle Boxes
rifle boxes with egg crate foam spacer.gif 50" Long Rifle
expandable rifle box with inner sleeve spacer.gif 50-75" Long Rifle
rifle boxes with convoluted foam spacer.gif 41" Short Rifle
rifle evidence storage cardboard boxes spacer.gif Evidence Boxes
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rifle foam lined boxes spacer.gif Foam Lined
rifle foam filled boxes spacer.gif Custom Fit
handgun boxes spacer.gif Rifle Box Sleeves
gun case boxes rifle case boxes spacer.gif Rifle Case Boxes
rifle evidence storage cardboard boxes spacer.gif Rifle Evidence Boxes
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gun case boxes rifle case boxes spacer.gif See All Gun Boxes
insulated foam boxes spacer.gif Insulated Boxes
gel packs spacer.gif 7-5-4 Cooler
gel packs spacer.gif 7-5-7 Cooler
gel packs spacer.gif 7-5-10 Cooler
gel packs spacer.gif 11-8-9 Cooler
gel packs spacer.gif 11-8-11 Cooler
gel packs spacer.gif 14-10-12 Cooler
95kPa Specimen Bags spacer.gif 95kPa Specimen Bag
biofocus shippers spacer.gif Biofocus Kit
BD Vacutainer blood collection tube with sodium heparin spacer.gif Blood Collection Tubes
extreme ambient blood shipper spacer.gif Blood Shipper (ambient)
blood specimen boxes spacer.gif Blood Specimen Shipper
breast milk shipper spacer.gif Breast Milk Shipping Kit
dry gel ice sheets spacer.gif Dry Gel Ice Sheets
gel packs spacer.gif Gel Packs (standard)
insulated cooler box kits spacer.gif Single Cooler Kits
LP mailers spacer.gif LP Album Mailers
heavy duty LP mailers spacer.gif Standard LP Mailer
heavy duty LP mailers spacer.gif Heavy-Duty LP Box
LP inserts spacer.gif LP Mailer Inserts
LP storage boxes spacer.gif LP Storage Boxes
rubber bands spacer.gif Rubber Bands
pallet bands pallet rubberbands spacer.gif Large Pallet Bands
small quality rubber bands spacer.gif Small Bands (office)
honor snack boxes spacer.gif Snack Boxes
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Blood Specimen Insulated Shipping Kit
Cameron Packaging
insulated cooler kits spacer.gif
Blood specimen kits USUALLY ship out from our warehouse on the next business day, via UPS ground. Delays can occur. To see how many days it will take to get to you, CLICK HERE.

ATTN LABS: click here to purchase just the plastic vial mailing containers (tubes).

The shipping cost will be calculated after you enter in your zip code, with no obligation to buy.
Select the quantity of kits and 'ADD TO CART' below. Shipping will be calculated with no obligation to buy.

Biofocus Blood Specimen 48-Hour Refrigerated Shipping Kit

Pricing is shown next to the quantities. Select the quantity of Biofocus or non-Biofocus blood shipping kits below.

The quantity of packs can be changed within the shopping cart before checking out.

Scroll down to see
what is included in each kit.

foam insulated shipping boxes

KIT INCLUDES (see picture above)

foam insulated boxes spacer.gif A (1) 7-3/4" x 5-7/8" x 8-1/2" Insulated Shipper
foam insulated boxes spacer.gif (Outer Packaging)

foam insulated boxes spacer.gif B (2) or more Absorbent-Lined Plastic Shipping Tubes
foam insulated boxes spacer.gif (secondary containers) + Caps


foam insulated boxes spacer.gif C (1) Small Vial Carton (7 x 5 x 4)

foam insulated boxes spacer.gif D (4) 24-oz Gel Packs (do NOT freeze all 4 gel packs,
foam insulated boxes spacer.gif scroll down for instructions below)

foam insulated boxes spacer.gif E Bubble Wrap or Foam

foam insulated boxes spacer.gif F Packing List Envelope

List of Contents Card and
"Exempt Human Specimen" and "Do Not Freeze" Label
(not shown in picture)

Click here or scroll down, for directions on how to pack the kit, so the specimens stay at the right temperature during shipping.

Biofocus Blood Specimen 48-Hour
Refrigerated Shipping Kit


Order the required glass blood draw tubes directly from the Biofocus lab. They will be supplied with their own absorbent lined shipping tubes. Please contact Biofocus.

Visit the Biofocus website to view their requisition order form and FedEx shipping information.

The Biofocus kit has appropriate handling and classification labels already applied. If not a Biofocus paitient, be sure to select "NOT Biofocus" when choosing the quantity of kits on the left. "Exempt Human Specimen" and "Do Not Freeze" labels are included for your use if appropriate.

If shipping to the Biofocus lab in Germany, only ship the samples out on a Monday or Tuesday, so the shipment arrives before the weekend.

Click here or scroll down, for directions on how to pack the kit, so the specimens stay at the right temperature during shipping. This kit has been designed to maintain the specimen vial temperature between 36 F to 48 F for 48 hours, when used as directed.

Need the Biofocus kit shipped to CANADA? Please email us the item description, Canadian shipping address, and quantity you are interested in ordering. A shipping quote will be emailed to you. The shopping cart does not support international shipping.

The following items are also available:

Vial Mailing Container with
Absorbent Liner

95kPa Specimen Transport Bag

Insulated Shippers

Gel Packs (standard)

Dry Gel Ice Sheets

Gel Packs (sweat-proof)



Freeze TWO (2) of the gel packs OVERNIGHT.
They should be laid flat and frozen solid.

If outside daytime temperatures exceed 50 degrees Fahrenheit:
REFRIGERATE the remaining TWO (2) gel packs


If outside daytime temperatures are below 50 degrees Fahrenheit:
allow the remaining TWO (2) gel packs to reach room temperature
(68-73 degrees Fahrenheit)

Blood specimen vials should be kept in the absorbent-lined plastic shipping tubes after blood draw (see picture below). Place blood specimens in the FRONT of a refrigerator until just before shipping time.

foam insulated shipping boxes


foam insulated shipping boxes

Depending on the outside temp (see notes above these pictures), place one REFRIGERATED or ROOM TEMP gel pack in the small 7 x 5 x 4 vial carton.

foam insulated shipping boxes

Put the absorbent-lined tubes on top of the REFRIGERATED or ROOM TEMP gel pack.

foam insulated shipping boxes

Place the remaining UNFROZEN gel pack on top. The specimens should now be sandwiched between the two UNFROZEN gel packs.

foam insulated shipping boxes

Place a FROZEN gel pack in the bottom of the insulated shipper.

foam insulated shipping boxes

Place the closed small
7 x 5 x 4 vial carton on top of the FROZEN gel pack.

foam insulated shipping boxes

Place the remaining FROZEN gel pack on top of the small vial carton.

foam insulated shipping boxes

Fill any remaining space inside the insulated shipper with the bubble wrap, close foam lid.

Complete "List of Contents Card" with number of components packed:
- Diagnostic Specimens, Human or Animal
- 2 or more glass/plastic tubes
- 2 or more secondary containers
- 2 or more absorbent pads
- 4 gel packs, etc.

Place List of Contents card inside insulated shipper on top of bubble wrap.

If specimens are not hazardous or infectious, "Exempt Human Specimen" Label should be affixed to outer box.

** Biofocus Kits will already have "Exempt Human Specimen" Label affixed **

foam insulated shipping boxes

Attach packing list envelope (with documentation) to outside of carton or inside carton flaps. Seal shipping carton with tape. Do NOT pack documents inside the insulated portion of the shipper as they will be exposed to condensation.

If outside temperatures exceed 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the packed kit should be placed in a refrigerator until time to ship.


NOTE: 48-hour protection starts when the shipper is packed.

This kit has been designed to maintain the specimen vial temperature between 36 F to 48 F for 48 hours, when used as directed.

Use a shipping method that will get the samples to their destination within 48 hours. Do not ship over a weekend.

Visit the Biofocus website to view their requisition order form and FedEx shipping information.

Cameron Packaging
250 E. Hanthorn Road
Lima, OH 45804

United States

Click here for directions and a map

Phone: (419) 222-9404
Toll Free: (800) 381-9404
Fax: (419) 222-9802

Email: cameronpackaging@gmail.com

Business Hours

Monday-Friday 7:00 am - 3:30 pm Eastern Time

Copyright © 1999-2022 Cameron Packaging. All rights reserved.